Founder's Letter
"Fashion has always been my passion, but I never knew I would once get the chance to become a fashion designer. To be honest, the chance did not just arrive – I had to create this opportunity for myself.
It all happened in 2015, soon after the birth of my second daughter. I could say my new role as a mother empowered me to try on another new role – one of a fashion designer. Since being respectful to everyone and everything is one of my core values in life, creating a sustainable fashion brand was really the only option. I have an affinity for simple and classic designs that don’t go out of fashion. At the same time, I put a lot of thought into details that make garments special and give them a modern feel, be it a flattering cut of a neckline, a special fabric colour or the way delicate fabrics feel on your skin.
For me, Mila.Vert represents the story of empowerment, of following your passion and being kind to yourself and to others. And this is how I want to make you feel.In case you were wondering, I am only kind of Mila. My name is Tina and the name Mila.Vert was inspired by the name of my first daughter. Every single piece of Mila.Vert clothing represents me, so I want every single piece to be kind to you. At the same time, it should also be kind to nature and the people who made it – and these are the core values that the brand is built upon."
Tina Logar Bauchmüller, founder and designer
An All-Women Team
Slowly but surely, Mila.Vert as a brand grew together with its team. At the moment, there are five women working along the founder with additional female team members joining in occasionally. The fact that there are only women for the brand brings in an intimately personal understanding of what, why and for whom they want to create fashion. The diverse team members each have their assigned roles and responsibilities according to that they’re best at – but the best results always come from them working together to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals and keep bringing sustainable fashion to a global audience.